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Insta-Worthy Gorgeous Supermodel Skin Forever

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 It’s possible to enjoy healthy, glowing skin all year long without a high-maintenance routine. Here are some rules to follow:

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A must, at least twice a day. Washing the impurities away allows your skin to breathe. For facial skin, liquid cleansers and face washes score over soaps.
A toner should be applied after cleansing. Use a cotton bud and just dab the product on the skin. Very dry skins should use toners sparingly. They work well for oily and acne prone skins.
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Despite the ambient humidity that we often face, our skin can get completely dehydrated. The result: dull, lifeless skin. Moisturizing skin twice daily is a must for all skin types. People who spend a lot of time in an air-conditioned environment need to moisturize more frequently.

Don’t step out without sunscreen protection. As long as there’s daylight, our skin needs protection from UVA and UVB rays. Apply a broad spectrum sunscreen that offers protection against UVA and UVB rays twenty minutes before you step out and ideally re-apply every three to four hours.
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Keep It Dry
Rule number one ladies. NEVER tie wet hair. It's a common mistake but it will lead to lice as well as fungal infections. Various organisms can flourish on the body in moist and humid conditions.
For a glowing blemish-free skin, adhere to your regular skin treatments such as cleanups, skin polishing, peels and lasers as suggested by your dermatologist. Try avoiding these treatements on toasty days. The post care get a little difficult. So indugle ont these miracle treatments on a cozy Sunday, because skin deserves a whole lotta love too!
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And The Most Important… Foot Care for slushy days!

In the monsoons, our feet are at the receiving end of slush and muck. Wading through knee-deep water and accidentally stepping into open drains are all within the realms of possibility. Wet footwear is the worst. So, how can you protect your feet this monsoon? They are exposed to dirty water through the day and look raw and broiled by the time you reach home after a grueling ride in a crowded train or bus. Here’s what you can do to protect your feet from some common irritants:

  • Fungal infections are caused by using covered footwear through the day. This leads to irritating itches and subsequently scaling of the toes and the spaces between them.
  • Crinkled skin and brittle toenails can cause a disease called Athlete’s Foot. This problem is more common in men as they usually sport closed footwear. It is typified by itching, scaling and discoloration of web spaces and the toenails may become discolored or brittle.
  • Wear open footwear when out in the rain and change into dry socks and footwear when you get indoors. Always wash your feet with soap and water after exposure to puddles or rainwater. Apply an antifungal dusting powder like the Juicy Chemistry Black Walnut Shell & Peppermint (Body & Feet Cooling Anti-Fungal Dusting)
  • After you get home, wash your legs with soap and water. Pat them dry with a soft towel and ensure that you dry your feet and the spaces between the toes thoroughly. Apply an nourishing foot cream like the Kama Ayurveda Foot Cream to prevent the skin from getting dehydrated.
  • If you still end up with cracked and wet spaces between your toes, then fungicidal ointments and lotions such as Terbinafin and Clotrimazole are the most effective method of treatment as the alcohol has a drying effect on the skin.
  • It’s best to keep an extra pair of sandals at the office so that you don’t have to torture your feet in wet socks, shoes or sandals. Lastly, avoid leather footwear. Select shoes with rubber or polyester soles or heels. This will also ward off skin allergies.
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