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12 off-screen dads who are pillars of strength for on-screen celebs

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Your very first cycling lesson and those very first bruised palms as he taught you how to ride. Tipping, riveting laughter on bedtime story jokes. Being around when you think you have no one on your side. Silently, weaving their life to make yours better, happier. Holding your baby self for hours on end in their warm, cushiony arms. They don’t say much. They probably don’t spell out an “I love you” every day. But watch them closely and you’ll know how much they care. It’s in the little things. Listening to you when life absolutely gobsmacks you, getting your favourite candy home one day, just out of the blue. No matter how old you get, you’ll always be their little one.
On this Father’s Day we celebrate 12 such off-screen super dads that have shaped the beautiful lives of some of our B-Town celebrities.   
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It’s Father’s Day folks and we hope you make it count by getting your old man a nice bottle of cognac and a cake to go with it.  
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