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Decoding Collagen And The Gamut Of Skin Benefits It Offers

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Matrix Biolage Serum

Our skin is made up of 80% of collagen and elastin. Elastin is the protein that essentially forms the second layer of one’s skin, whereas collagen is exclusively required to maintain youthfulness, tightness, and required volume, on the face (and body). Hence, collagen is said to be essential for the maintenance of a person’s skin! Composed of amino acids (glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline) which are the building blocks of protein and form a meshwork. This meshwork of fibres tends to maintain the skin’s integrity and gives the required shape and structure.

There are two types of collagen supplements:

Marine and poultry derived.

Vegetable collagen doesn’t exist.

Only collagen builders exist.

Once-daily consumption for alternate months helps the body in numerous ways, not just the skin. All connective tissues are benefitted from this consumption.

The benefits of collagen include:

  • Improves skin and hair: Collagen supplements are used to help make your skin look firmer and smoother as it is a vital ingredient in helping skin cells renew and repair constantly. It additionally strengthens nails, hair, and teeth.
  • Maintains liver health: Collagen supplements aid the liver in detoxifying and helping the body to free itself from harmful substances apart from that it helps improve blood flow.
  • Leaky gut syndrome upkeep: Collagen helps heal the damaged cell walls of the intestines and aids to heal in leaky gut syndrome.
  • Joint pain and degeneration aid: Collagen boosts joint repair. In addition, it helps the joints to move easily while reducing pain which prevents joint deterioration.
  • Metabolism and muscle mass growth boost: Collagen supplements (glycine found in collagen) aids in forming muscle tissue and also help to increase metabolism.

Why should collagen be incorporated into one’s skincare regimen?

  • Topical treatments of retinol and tretinoin are said to scientifically promote collagen formation.
  • Antioxidants like vitamin C reverse the inflammation that damages the collagen of the skin.

Hence, collagen in one’s skincare regimen is essential for the maximum benefits. Along with that, it is important to wear sunscreen daily as the ultraviolet light from the sun breaks down collagen.

Oral collagen supplements are the rage now.

Whatever is to be incorporated, it is recommended that scheduling a consultation with your dermatologist is a must! As an experienced and trained professional you can only determine what is appropriate for your skin.

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