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10 Best Hydrating Sheet Masks For That Post-Facial Glow

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From the sizzling heat of summer to the dry winter months, trust these hydrating sheet masks to give your skin a boost of nourishment and a facial-like glow.
10 Best Hydrating Sheet Masks For That Post-Facial Glow

Sheet masks that provide hydration and nourishment have become a go-to for many, especially as changing weather, lifestyle changes, pollution, and many other factors take a toll on your skin. Hydrating sheet masks are a great way to nourish and revitalise your skin for a boost of hydration that allows you to feel refreshed within minutes. As the hydration levels of your skin replenishes, the moisture balance is restored leaving behind soft and supple skin.

The concentrated serum or essence in hydrating sheet masks means you can rely on them to get a facial-like glow instantly. You can also include them in your skincare routine to get lasting hydration along with bright and silky smooth skin. You can also pick from a variety of active ingredients to target your specific skin concerns like dullness or dryness. Before we dive into the 10 best hydrating sheet masks, let’s look at how they can benefit your skin.

Benefits Of Hydrating Sheet Masks

  1. Convenient And Mess-Free: As opposed to cream-based or clay masks, sheet masks are individually packed and are designed to fit the contours of your face. They are easy to use and create little to no mess.
  2. Improved Appearance: Using a sheet mask 2–3 times a week can help improve the texture and overall appearance of the skin. The deep moisturisation provided by sheet masks also helps reduce rough patches of dry skin.
  3. Instant Revitalisation: Sheet masks are the best option when your skin needs a quick pick-me-up. The concentrated serums help revive and rejuvenate your skin while making you feel refreshed.
  4. Calming Effect: The cool and hydrating feel of sheet masks soothes sun-damaged or irritated skin. They also help calm inflammation and reduce redness.
  5. Deep Absorption: Sheet masks are made of cloth-like fibres that lock in moisture and allow the active ingredients to absorb deep into the skin.

10 Best Hydrating Sheet Masks To Try

1. Nykaa Skin Secrets Indian Rituals Cucumber + Aloe Vera Sheet Mask

Nykaa Skin Secrets Indian Rituals Cucumber + Aloe Vera Sheet Mask For Toned & Hydrated Skin
Nykaa Skin Secrets Indian Rituals Cucumber + Aloe Vera Sheet Mask For Toned & Hydrated Skin
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Get the cooling benefits of natural ingredients with the Nykaa Skin Secrets sheet mask. While the cucumber is anti-inflammatory and provides hydration, aloe vera soothes irritated skin. The sheet mask is created using the secrets of Indian skincare rituals and popular Korean technology.

2. Lakme Skin Solutions Sheet Mask With Hyaluronic Acid

Lakme Skin Solutions Sheet Mask With Hyaluronic Acid
Lakme Skin Solutions Sheet Mask With Hyaluronic Acid For Toned & Hydrated Skin
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This sheet mask contains 95% hyaluronic acid for the ultimate boost of hydration for smooth and supple skin. It also contains Pentavitin that is known to lock moisture by penetrating deep into the skin.

3. O3+ Facialist Hyaluronic Hydroxy Cellulose Mask

O3+ Facialist Hyaluronic Hydroxy Cellulose Mask
O3+ Facialist Hyaluronic Hydroxy Cellulose Mask For Toned & Hydrated Skin
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Treat dry and dull skin with the O3+ Facialist Hyaluronic Hydroxy Cellulose Mask that instantly boosts hydration levels. It is most suitable for those with dry skin, puffiness, fine lines, or dullness.

4. PIXI GLOW Glycolic Acid Brightening Infusion Sheet Mask

PIXI GLOW Glycolic Acid Brightening Infusion Sheet Mask
PIXI GLOW Glycolic Acid Brightening Infusion Sheet Mask For Toned & Hydrated Skin
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Infused with glycolic acid that gently exfoliates and skin-balancing botanical extracts, the Pixi Glow sheet mask is great for those with dull skin. It also has red ginseng and Panax ginseng extracts to improve blood circulation for brighter skin.

5. TONYMOLY I'M Lemon Sheet Mask

TONYMOLY I'M Lemon Sheet Mask
TONYMOLY I'M Lemon Sheet Mask For Toned & Hydrated Skin
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This viral Tonymoly sheet mask promotes a bright and healthy complexion while improving the overall skin tone. The lemon extract works toward revitalising dehydrated skin, while amino acids hydrate and tighten the skin.

6. Skin Fx Detoxifying & Hydrating Serum Mask

Skin Fx Detoxifying & Hydrating Serum Mask
Skin Fx Detoxifying & Hydrating Serum Mask For Toned & Hydrated Skin
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Cleansing dirt and impurities from the skin with ingredients like charcoal, the Skin Fx Detoxifying Mask leaves behind clean and fresh skin. The blueberry jelly that adheres to the face like a second skin, along with the mask made from Japanese cotton, promotes better absorption for even-toned skin.

7. MCaffeine Hyaluronic Acid Face Sheet Mask with Coffee

MCaffeine Hyaluronic Acid Face Sheet Mask with Coffee
MCaffeine Hyaluronic Acid Face Sheet Mask with Coffee For Toned & Hydrated Skin
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Caffeination meets hyaluronic acid in this one-of-its-kind sheet mask from MCaffeine that helps you achieve plump and glowing skin. It is ideal for those with oily skin as it controls oil production with the moisture retention properties of aloe vera. The mask is also made from biodegradable wood pulp, making it good for the skin and the environment.

8. Farmacy Beauty Hydrating Coconut Gel Sheet Mask

Farmacy Beauty Hydrating Coconut Gel Sheet Mask
Farmacy Beauty Hydrating Coconut Gel Sheet Mask For Toned & Hydrated Skin
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The refreshing feel of consuming coconut water on a hot day condensed in a sheet mask! This coconut gel sheet mask is formulated with hyaluronic acid and cucumber extract to soothe dry skin. Meanwhile, the purple broccoli extract revitalises dull-looking skin.

9. Dr.Batra's Pro+ Hydrafresh Sheet Mask

Dr.Batra's Pro+ Hydrafresh Sheet Mask
Dr.Batra's Pro+ Hydrafresh Sheet Mask For Toned & Hydrated Skin
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Filled with the goodness of berberis aquifolium – a native shrub from North America – Dr. Batra's Pro+ Hydrafresh Sheet Mask eliminates toxins from the skin by deep cleaning for healthier and nourished skin. It also has aloe vera to seal moisture and treat dry skin.

10. Foxtale Essentials Sheet Masks - Niacinamide & Berries

Foxtale Essentials Sheet Masks - Niacinamide & Berries
Foxtale Essentials Sheet Masks - Niacinamide & Berries For Toned & Hydrated Skin
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Looking to minimise pores and tighten your skin? Opt for the Foxtail Essentials sheet mask with niacinamide which is known to smoothen and tighten the skin. The blueberry extract promotes an oil-free glow and has antioxidant properties.


  1. Can I use a hydrating mask every day?
  2. It is recommended to use sheet masks 2 to 3 times a week as it allows time to let your skin benefit from the active ingredients and serums in the hydrating sheet masks.

  3. Can I use 2 sheet masks in one day?
  4. While you may have seen social media influencers using multiple sheet masks in a row, using one in a day is enough to give your skin a boost of hydration. If you must, ensure that both masks have ingredients that complement each other. For example, sheet masks with exfoliating ingredients such as salicylic or glycolic acid should not be paired with niacinamide. However, Vitamin C and niacinamide together can do wonders for the skin.

  5. Can I apply moisturiser after using a hydrating mask?
  6. Yes! As the cloth-like masks trap moisture to ensure the absorption of active ingredients, applying moisturiser will help lock in the benefits. You should also use any leftover serums inside the sheet mask pack and apply it to your neck and collarbone area.

  7. Is it better to use a sheet mask at night or in the morning?
  8. You can use sheet masks at any time of the day. Just ensure that your skin is cleansed and you have the full 10-15 minutes to leave it on for best results.

  9. When do I use a sheet mask in my skincare routine?
  10. After cleansing, toning, exfoliation, and applying any serums, bring in sheet masks to let all the products absorb into the skin and get some much-needed calming time. Make sure you lightly massage any serum left into the skin and finish with a moisturiser.

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