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Dandruff Home Remedies

Three out of six people have experienced dandruff at least once in life. Dandruff is more about scalp than it is about hair. The health and bounce of your hair indicate the underlying scalp situation, and no matter how much you hide, those nasty flakes are always visible to people around you.

Time to combat the lingering dandruff issue with simple home remedies for dandruff and hair that are light on the pocket and your scalp as well; but first let’s get to know what dandruff is and what causes it in the first place.


You have all seen it and have mostly experienced it at some point in your life. Dandruff is a condition when white or grey flakes shred from your scalp. They’re basically dead skin, clumped together into flakes due to excess oil. They are quite harmless, but they look very unpleasant.



There are quite a few reasons for dandruff. Though it is mostly temporary and controllable.

1. Seborrheic Dermatitis

This is a common skin condition caused by a certain yeast called Malassezia that is found in the oil secreted by your scalp. Seborrheic Dermatitis causes scaly patches on your head, an itchy scalp, red irritated skin and stubborn dandruff. It usually goes away without medical treatment with regular cleansing and proper care.

2. Dry Skin

It is said that people with dry skin are more likely to get dandruff. Chances of dead skin flaking away as dandruff is more when your skin is already peeling or scaly. It is most common in dry winters.

3. Skin Conditions

If you have psoriasis or eczema, you are prone to having dandruff frequently. It may be avoided with regular care, but dandruff is recurring in such skin disorders.

4. Hygiene

While hygiene is not directly related to dandruff, not cleansing or shampooing regularly can make oils from your scalp and skin cells clomp together over a period of time causing dandruff.

5. Pollution and Heat

Major factors that cause dandruff are pollution and heat, especially when affecting your scalp together. They can cause excessive sweating, skin irritation, fungal infections on your scalp – all leading to dandruff.

6. Stress

While the yeast, Malassezia, already exists on everyone’s scalp, it can thrive when you are stressed. It amplifies the stubborn dandruff on your hair. Stress also causes something called the ‘itch-scratch cycle’ – the more you scratch, the more it itches, making your skin flaky and sensitive.



Henna for dandruff works as an anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory treatment to soothe the scalp. Let’s discover more home remedies to remove dandruff.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar for Dandruff

  • Purpose: By restoring the pH balance of the scalp, Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) inhibits the growth of yeast. It also works as a natural hair cleanser and helps unclog pores and hair follicles.
  • Method: Mix two cups of Apple Cider Vinegar with three cups of cold water and use this mixture to rinse your hair, post shampooing. Let it sit for two minutes before washing it off. For best results, use this once a week.

If you are too pressed for time or just plain lazy, stick to the readymade wonders of the world. We recommend using the WOW Skin Science Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo – an easy dandruff treatment at home.

Dandruff Treatment
Dandruff Remedy

2. Coconut Oil and Lemon for Dandruff

  • Purpose: Lemon juice for dandruff works wonders! Known for its anti-fungal properties, Coconut Oil moisturizes a dry scalp and tackles itchiness like a pro. Plus, it nourishes your hair and boosts hair growth. Need we say more?
  • Method: For a potent anti-dandruff remedy, combine equal parts of Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice and massage on your scalp. Let it sit for 20 minutes before you wash your hair. Follow this dandruff treatment at home regularly for best results.

Indus Valley Bio Organic 100% Pure Extra Virgin Coconut Oil for dandruff works as an effective conditioning treatment, adding luster to dull hair.

3. Tea Tree Oil for Dandruff

  • Purpose: Tea Tree Oil has long been used to treat dandruff, owing to its potent cleansing and anti-fungal properties. A classic anti-dandruff treatment if we may say so.
  • Method: Add six drops of Tea Tree Oil to half a cup of essential oil (such as Lavender), and massage on your scalp to get rid of dandruff. You can also add a few drops to your regular shampoo to make it into an all-natural anti-dandruff shampoo.

Soulflower Tea Tree Oil Scalp and Anti Dandruff is a vitamin-enriched complete scalp care formulation. It controls sebum production and its antifungal properties restore damaged scalp.

Dandruff Treatment At Home
Best Dandruff Treatment

4. Olive Oil and Vinegar for Dandruff

  • Purpose: Olive oil for dandruff is a natural conditioner and minimize oxidative damage owing to its anti-oxidant properties. This lightweight oil is effective on hair without weighing it down. The acetic properties of vinegar fights off fungal infections and improves blood circulation.
  • Method: Mix 1 tsp Olive Oil and 2 tsp White Vinegar in a bowl of water. Apply this mixture on separate sections of your hair and massage the scalp for five minutes. Wash it off with a sulfate-free anti-dandruff shampoo and apply a conditioner.

Palmer's Olive Oil Formula Deep Conditioner Pack offers a paraben free deep conditioning treatment to repair and strengthen hair.

5. Yogurt for Dandruff

  • Purpose: The lactic acid in yogurt helps reduce dandruff considerably. The antibacterial properties of this dandruff remedy will ensure that the protein in it strengthens hair from its roots.
  • Method: Rinse your hair with lukewarm water and towel dry it to get rid of dripping water. Apply a generous layer of fresh yogurt on the scalp and hair. Leave it on for 10 minutes. Wash it off with water.

Use Dr. Batra's Anti Dandruff Hair Serum post-wash to restore hair vitality and mask any remnant odour.

Anti Dandruff Remedy
Dandruff Treatment – Salt

6. Salt for Dandruff

  • Purpose: Salt absorbs excess oil or sebum that can otherwise clog pores and steer your scalp from turning into an oil-extracting land. Salt, when used in adequate amounts, can also help absorb extra moisture and defy fungal infection.
  • Method: Salt can be added to your usual hair wash. Squeeze a dollop of shampoo on your palm and add a pinch of salt to it. Apply this salt-shampoo on your hair, while massaging it onto your scalp in circular motions. Leave it on for two minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • An easier way out is to invest in the exemplary anti-dandruff shampoo, Sebamed Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Ph5.5, which contains sodium chloride.

7. Neem for Dandruff

  • Purpose: Since dandruff can be linked with fungal growths, this highly antibacterial and antifungal ingredient is the way to go. Neem is an age-old remedy for all skin related ailments.
  • Method: Just boil some water with fresh Neem leaves till the water gets a tinge of green in it. Let it cool and rinse slowly, massaging your scalp with this water. You can also make Neem leaves into a paste and mix it with Aloe-Vera to make an anti-dandruff hair mask. Or you can just switch your daily shampoo & conditioner to Biotique Bio Neem Margosa Anti - Dandurff Shampoo & Conditioner

8. Aloe Vera for Dandruff

  • Purpose: This miracle ingredient is a god-sent for people with recurring dandruff. Aloe Vera cleanses dead skin and promotes regeneration of fresh cells. It is a natural coolant, making your itchy, irritant scalp feel fabulous. It has antifungal properties as well.
  • Method: Use Aloe Vera gel as a hair mask every week to avoid getting dandruff at all. If you already have dandruff, mix this gel with some yogurt to get relief from inflammation. Try out Nature's Tattva Pure Natural Aloe Vera Gel if the plant is unavailable.

9. Listerine for Dandruff

  • Purpose: The anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antifungal properties of this mouthwash ruthlessly kill dandruff, restoring the health of the scalp. This surprising dandruff remedy leaves the scalp feeling fresh.
  • Method: Take an empty spray bottle and pour equal quantities of Listerine and water in it. Wash your hair with your regular shampoo and conditioner. Towel dry the scalp. Spritz this spray onto your scalp and leave it for three minutes. Follow it with a cold water rinse.
  • Caution: Avoid using Listerine Cool Mint Mouthwash if you have broken or inflamed skin.
Dandruff Treatment – Listerine

Dandruff Treatments

Dandruff can be controlled if you follow a diligent hair-care routine coupled with special medicated shampoos. Do not stick to one shampoo instead, we recommend switching between different anti-dandruff shampoos every 2-3 weeks to not let your hair get used to it.

Pick shampoos containing anti-dandruff ingredients:

1. Selenium Sulfide

Shampoos containing Selenium Sulfide as the main element reduce the bad fungus and lessen dead skin cells a.k.a. dandruff flakes.

Caution: This shampoo may remove dandruff, but with that it could also wash away your expensive hair colour. So, if you have freshly colored tresses, you might want to opt for an alternative method to treat the dandruff.

2. Salicylic Acid

These shampoos work on knocking off those flakes but might leave your scalp dry. Follow it up with a moisturizing conditioner to retain the moisture in those locks.

3. Pyrithione Zinc

The antibacterial and antifungal properties of Pyrithione Zinc help reduce the fungus that cause dandruff and Seborrheic Dermatitis.

4. Tar

Coal tar slows the rate at which skin cells on your scalp die and flake off. It helps keep dandruff in control. However, tar-based shampoos may cause hair discolouration.

5. Ketoconazole

Pick a shampoo with this ingredient for maximum impact. Ketoconazole is an antifungal medication that is used to treat infections and skin conditions. If you have Seborrheic Dermatitis, this is a great choice for a regular shampoo.

6. Tea Tree Oil

A common ingredient in shampoos and conditioners nowadays, Tea Tree Oil has healing properties and is an antifungal natural medicine. Used in Ayurvedic medicine, this ingredient will do wonders for your scalp.



  • Avoid Carbs And Sugar
  • One of the fail-proof ways to reduce dandruff is to stay away from carbs and sugar. This is because Yeast feeds on high-carb food that build glycogen in the skin. Cut down on your everyday carbs and stick to a once-a-week dessert, if you’re prone to dandruff.

  • Exfoliate Your Scalp
  • Try Coffee scrubs, Walnut scrubs or Charcoal based scrubs for your scalp. Exfoliating will break away the dead skin before they form into flakes on your scalp.

  • Don’t Scratch
  • Avoid touching your scalp altogether. Use coolants such as Yogurt or Aloe Vera to sooth the itch without having to scratch.

  • Take Supplements
  • If the dandruff persists, try taking probiotic supplements and proteins that will nurture the health of your scalp.


The Section Where Your Lingering Doubts are Finally Answered!

1. Why is dandruff said to be more common in men?

It is believed that testosterone –the male hormone – plays a significant role in influencing dandruff. Moreover, a prominent history of dandruff in the family means more chances of the problem getting trickled down to you. Homeopathy for dandruff is a natural dandruff treatment to alleviate such issues.

2. When should I consult a dermatologist for dandruff treatment?

Following some good dandruff home remedies and maintaining a healthy hair-care regime can help tackle dandruff with a gradual progress. However, if the problem persists or gets worse, you could be suffering from Seborrheic Dermatitis, a severe medical condition that involves fungal infection on your scalp. In such a case, it is wise to consult a dermatologist at the earliest to understand the best dandruff treatment for your hair.

3. What are the signs to look out for if I have dandruff?

It is likely that you are suffering from dandruff, if you face any of the following issues:

  • Visible white flakes on your clothes especially while you’re brushing your hair
  • Itchiness and redness of the scalp
  • Constant need to scratch the scalp
  • Greasy patches on the scalp
  • Minor facial rash on eyebrows, ears or nose

4. What are the foods that can mitigate dandruff troubles?

Maintaining a healthy diet is the most natural remedy for dandruff. Include these foods in your daily diet to reduce dandruff:

  • Chickpeas
  • Ginger
  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Wheat germ
  • Sunflower seeds

5. Is it ideal to wash my hair every day if I have dandruff?

Cleaning your scalp frequently is recommended from a hygiene perspective as it prevents more dandruff. However, washing your hair all 7 days of the week is not advised. Ideally, washing your locks every 2-3 days is enough. Along with that, follow a good scalp treatment for dandruff as solving the problem from the source is essential for long-term relief.

6. What should I do if none of the dandruff home remedies prove to be a complete cure for my severe dandruff issue?

If you think your dandruff still persists no matter what you try, you could be suffering from seborrheic dermatitis. Visit a dermatologist to figure a hair dandruff treatment that works at alleviating the issue. You could also try Ayurvedic treatment for dandruff if you prefer the natural route. There are various OTC medicines for dandruff that could work faster than home remedies. Ketoconazole and Nizoral A-D are some of the best medicines for dandruff.

7. Are dandruff and hair loss directly related?

Dandruff hair loss is a common occurrence. However, dandruff does not directly result in hair loss. Since the itchiness is symbolic of dandruff, the constant scratching of an irritated scalp can damage the hair follicles. This then leads to dandruff hair loss.

8. Does dandruff cause pimples or acne?

In a way, dandruff could be responsible for that sudden outbreak of pimples. When hair strands with dandruff come in contact with face, it can induce pimples. Avoid haircuts or hairdos that require your hair to be in constant touch with your forehead or cheeks. In cases of dry dandruff, stick to a warm Coconut Oil massage once a week to improve blood circulation to the scalp and reduce pimples.

9. Does oiling help dandruff?

No. It is a myth. Oiling may cause the flakes to stick to your scalp. Regular shampooing and moisturizing with gel-based ingredients like Aloe-Vera may help your scalp. Even cool, water based elements like cucumber makes your itchy scalp happy.

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