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How Conscious Consumerism Is Gaining Momentum & Why It's Important

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conscious consumerism

We’ve been encouraged to ask questions all our lives; and in the past few years, instead of mindlessly consuming every product we buy, we have all asked questions about them – in some way or the other, out loud, or to ourselves.

Where is our kitchen produce grown? Are they grown organically? Who packs all our products? Is the plastic being used for packaging good for us or the environment? Who is making my clothes? The designers behind the labels or factory workers who are underpaid? Are ingredients in my beauty products safe or are they toxic?

These questions, rooted in ethics and environment, are the base of conscious consumerism and the industrial world is finally being held answerable.

What is conscious consumerism?

It’s a social behaviour, at its core. Conscious Consumerism is when your buying patterns are affected or led by the impact the products may cause – socially, economically, and environmentally. If you think twice about the packaging, if the product is ethically sourced, or how you will recycle the container after use, you are a true conscious consumer.

Conscious consumerism focuses on the impacts any product may cause in all stages of its existence – whether it’s during production and packaging, use or disposal.

A little bit about its history

While USA and UK, the early industrialised countries saw conscious consumers ever since the dawn of 1970s. It all started with unfair labour practises, safety hazards during production and went on to toxins found abundantly in ingredients.

It was only in the last decade or so when we recognised the global environmental crisis, when the word ‘conscious’ became an urgent cry of help. Brands in the world of beauty and fashion are now desperately moving to achieve sustainability finally.

Why is it gaining momentum?

Simply put: It’s because the harsh realities of climate crisis, unethical practises and gross impacts of productions are coming to light. In the transparent age of social media, it is becoming impossible to hide behind veils of ignorance. An eruption of conscious consumerism has driven more than half of European beauty brands to brand themselves as cruelty-free and ethically sourced.

New and local labels across our country are starting out their businesses seeped in vegan or earth-friendly practises. Bigger names in India are being held responsible for their carbon footprints and the best part? They’re actually trying very hard to reduce their malpractices to get out of the negative spotlight.

A few years ago, conscious consumerism was termed useless – a 2012 study in the USA stated that conscious consumers and regular consumers have almost the same impact. It meant: even if YOU are opting for sustainable choices in your own lifestyle, the larger picture is barely changing at all!

Fortunately, this statement has changed and beautifully. Just by being aware, a group of conscious consumers are able to drive entire industries to act sustainably and answer the world about their processes!

And that’s why conscious consumerism is gaining momentum and is extremely important to safeguard our future.

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