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Important Supplements Every Bride-To-Be Needs In Her Arsenal, According To A Nutritionist

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As your wedding day approaches, you're likely to do everything in your power to make sure things go exactly as planned and a huge part of this preparation has to do with you, the bride. One way to do this is to score your daily dose of nutrients, especially the ones you may fall deficient in due to stress, lack of sleep, or seasonal impacts. So, to make sure you look and feel your best, we’ve listed a bunch of nutritionist-approved supplements recommended by Dr Tripti Gupta—award-winning lifestyle nutritionist and gut-health expert. Below, everything you need to know.

Get Started On Probiotics

“Nourishment starts from within. While lotions and serums help to a certain extent, you need to incorporate supplements into your routine for that bridal glow, strong hair, and most importantly, energy. 80% of your overall glow depends on what you feed your body. Make sure to plan in advance. You need to ensure that all your vitamins and minerals are stocked up weeks leading to the wedding,” recommends nutritionist Gupta.

“What I’ve seen time and again is that most of my clients between the age of 25 to 35 years are unaware of the importance of taking a blood test. You need to study what your body needs or is lacking for you so that you only consume supplements that specifically meet your needs. And the biggest fear most brides have is experiencing a bloated stomach for their wedding day. The most critical thing to remember here is that starving yourself is not going to help you,” she says. “In fact, it only makes the situation worse. You need to make sure you eat right and take a healthy quantity of probiotics (crucial for good digestion) for your body to absorb not only your food but also your supplements. Adding probiotics to your routine will help get rid of bloating and the formation of gas in your stomach. The natural form would be curd, but there are some great probiotic supplements available online that you can choose from too. While shopping for one, make sure it has a minimum of 25 billion strains of bacteria. Having this daily will keep your gut healthy, and balance your skin’s pH level.”

Supercharge Your Hydration

“While drinking three liters of water every day is non-negotiable, you need to make sure you have supplements that are powered with electrolytes. Nowadays, you also get a lot of vitamin c-rich electrolytes that come in the form of tablets that you can dissolve in water or sachets that are supplemented by vitamin C. This will help,” confirms the Mumbai-based nutritionist.

Dr Gupta’s Quick Guide For Beginners

  • I always suggest a combination of supplements for my brides. Start by taking a vitamin C supplement and club it with calcium, magnesium, and zinc. If you take too many, it can affect the health of your liver, heat in your stomach, and increase the chances of breaking out.
  • Focusing on taking a vitamin E supplement (because it’s a great antioxidant) combined with iron and folic acid. This further helps to increase absorption and also makes room for more supplements.
  • You could take vitamin A with a B complex, which includes selenium and chromium in a controlled quantity. Also, don’t forget your vitamin D. You must choose yours depending on how much you already have in your body. Choose the form you prefer, but just be sure it has a minimum of 60,000 iu to keep the energy going.
  • Adding Omega 3 and biotin will also help. Collagen (an important supplement in this process) can be taken in the form of powder. Always choose your collagen with your probiotic. If you’re buying a probiotic powder or tablet, take it with collagen. Known to be a high protein supplement, it’s not something that the body is used to and most Indian women experience bloating if collagen is not paired with a probiotic. Try 5 grams a day with a probiotic that’s about 25 billion strain. This combination is great for skin, hair, and lubricates joints. Try to avoid going for capsules as much as possible as they contain gelatin, so ideally avoid. I highly recommend supplements in the form of powder or liquid.
  • And lastly, to all the wonderful brides-to-be reading this, don’t get influenced by what your best friend or cousin is following—avoid taking recommendations from family, friends, or friends of friends without a blood report or meeting an expert because what works for them may not necessarily work for you.

Disclaimer: Consult an expert before starting on any new medication or supplements, especially if you have any preexisting conditions.

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