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Straight From The Editor’s Desk : Skincare Tips To Treat Acne-Prone Skin

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remedy for pimple

Nothing ruins a perfectly nice day like bouts of painful, unwarranted acne. They time their arrival just before the day you want to look your best (sigh!). Even when they heal, they leave behind blemishes and marks, which makes your skin look beat, inflamed and patchy. No wonder you have reservations about trying new products, lest they decide to pop up again. Trust us, we know how tricky it can be to find a sure short pimple treatment. Your skincare habits inadvertently contribute to acne that could be as small as using the wrong cleanser or moisturiser for your skin type. All you need to do is identify and change them. So, scroll further to learn tips that will help you circumvent the issue on hand.

Starting From The Top : Causes Of Acne

To find the best remedy for pimples, you must know its causes. One of the underlying reasons for pimples could be your skin texture and type. It is believed that oily skin tends to experience more breakouts than any other skin type. The sebaceous glands present in your skin produce an oil called sebum. When these glands produce more oil than needed, your skin suffers. The excess sebum clogs the hair follicles and pores, causing acne. However, pimples can also be a result of hormonal changes, dietary habits, genetics or specific medications. You can also witness frequent breakouts if you are dealing with bouts of anxiety and stress. Stress induces the release of cortisol hormone, which often stimulates the oil glands.

Skincare Rules For Pimple Treatment

1. Be Gentle On Your Skin

Acne-prone skin is sensitive, and so you must handle it with care. Never rub or massage any product onto your skin vigorously if you have pimples on your face, as it will only aggravate them. Cleanse your skin thoroughly before applying makeup or even skincare products. Whenever you try any new product or DIY recipes , always do a patch test first on your inner elbow to avoid irritation on your skin.

2. Know The Root Cause

It's extremely crucial to understand your acne type before trying any product or pimple treatment. We suggest seeking a dermatologist to best identify which type of acne you’ve been struggling with and seek a treatment that best suits you.

3. Cleansing Is Key

Cetaphil Oily Skin Cleanser

Prevention is better than cure! To keep acne at bay, make sure to cleanse your skin. During the day, dirt, sweat and grime tends to build up on your skin, clogging pores and summoning pimples on your face. Pollution and other environmental aggressors also play a role in damaging your skin. If you grapple with sensitive skin, we recommend using a mild cleanser and cold water to wash your face.

4. Popping A Pimple Is Not A Solution

The Derma Co Micro-tip Salicylic Acid Acne Patches With Hydrocolloid For Clean & Clear Skin - 24 Patches

Picking your pimples can lead to acne scars and cause pigmentation on your skin. Avoid touching your face constantly as it can cause the acne to spread. We recommend turning to this skin genius to help abate pimples. The Derma Co Micro-tip Salicylic Acid Acne Patches With Hydrocolloid For Clean & Clear Skin.

5. Choose The Right Products

Dot & Key Watermelon Matte Glow Moisturizer With Glycolic Acid For Oily Skin

The Derma Co 1% Salicylic Acid Oil-free Moisturizer For Face

Incorporating the right products in your skincare regimen plays a pivotal role in curbing acne. The first rule: always opt for non-comedogenic products, especially sunscreen, as they can trigger breakouts. For oily, sensitive and acne-prone skin, we recommend choosing products that contain glycolic acid, or salicylic acid, as these keep excess oil at bay and reduce sebum production. Some of the editor’s faves: Dot & Key Watermelon Matte Glow Moisturizer With Glycolic Acid For Oily Skin and The Derma Co 1% Salicylic Acid Oil-free Moisturizer For Face With Oat Extract For Active Acne.

6. Moisturise Adequately

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel - Mini

Add a suitable moisturiser to your skincare regimen to help with your pimple treatment. If your skin is dry and dehydrated, the oil glands produce more oil, increasing chances of breakouts. Opt for a lightweight, oil-free moisturiser that can adroitly nourish your skin without clogging the pores. We recommend Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel.

7. Flip The Covers

Use fresh towels and bedding to avoid any episodes of acne, inflammation and redness caused due to overused linens.

8 Observe Your Scalp Health

The presence of dandruff and flakes in your scalp can lead to breakouts and pimples. Flakes falling on your forehead can clog pores and cause acne. Ensure to keep your scalp and hair clean.

9 Inculcating Good Lifestyle Changes

Hamdard Safi

Gynoveda Anti Acne Neem Tablets

If you are seeking an easy remedy for pimples, try bringing about a change in your lifestyle. Drink adequate water and stay away from greasy and oily food as much as possible. Intake of fruits and fresh vegetables in your diet can help clean the blood and reduce zits. Include food containing vitamin C and antioxidants to supplement the body. To help flush out toxins and reduce the occurence of pimples, we suggest trying Hamdard Safi and Gynoveda Anti Acne Neem Tablets For Clean & Clear Skin, No more Pimples, Acne Marks, Scars.

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