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Body Talk: Start Your 2021 Revival Today With These 7 Things That Happy People Do Differently

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Welcome to our Body Talk series where our in-house Nykaa editors cover educational and important conversations on body health.

We made it! 2020 is finally behind us and we’re all set to make this new year an absolute success. We’ve had our ups and downs, we’ve spent our days getting bored (to the point of getting depressed), and we’ve powered through it all, somehow.

Now its time to make some changes, so 2020 never happens again. Yes, the pandemic isn’t in our control, but happiness can be.

Having had a rollercoaster of a year myself, I decided to figure out some tips and tricks to being more content with my own life. I spoke to a clinical psychologist, Mr. Sumit Roy, who has over 35 years of pushing people towards the path of happiness. I asked him what the things are that content and positive people do differently, and here’s what I found out…

#1 Communicate

Why does it make you happy?

Research has shown that one major thing that makes people happy is belongingness. And to feel a part of a community, a family or to any relationship, you need to communicate. Often, we end up ‘talking’ and ‘hearing’ rather than ‘sharing a conversation’.

How to do it?

Its simple really: Talk about your feelings, listen attentively, and appreciate often. The way you converse with others comes back to you. So, if you want to be heard and praised, reciprocate first.

#2 Help

Why does it make you happy?

Have you ever felt utmost happiness while watching a movie, for instance when the characters win something, or good luck befalls them? Others’ happiness makes you happy; which is why when you go out of the way to help someone, their happy faces bring tears of joy to yours.

How do you do it?

Again, its very simple. You can make someone’s day by either directly offering help or making them feel better on a bad day with some gifts or flowers. I’m sure you do this already, just go big this year.

#3 Stay Present

Why does it make you happy?

People tend to revisit their past, mostly regrets, and trying to rewrite something that’s already happened and won’t change; or they worry about their future, something they have no control over. Happy people, instead, live in the present. They work, they play, and they live life to their fullest without any baggage or stress.

How do you do it?

Practice. This one’s a difficult task, as they say that the past and future forever haunt us. Mindfulness, or being completely aware of everything that is currently around us, helps a lot. Try it out.

#4 Pamper Yourself

Why does it make you happy?

Your body is a gift of nature and every part of it needs and deserves attention and care. The theory is simple – you know how people who love their cars, wash it and care for it incessantly? Caring for your body makes you love yourself more.

How to do it?

Look after yourself. From your basic needs of eating (right & on time), drinking (staying hydrated) and breathing (slowly and peacefully), to other more complex ways of pampering yourself like exercising, dancing and making yourself the most beautiful version of you.

#5 Set Goals

Why does it make you happy?

When you don’t have any goals – whether short-term or long – it makes you uncertain, confused and stressed. It’s also unhealthy to keep changing your goals. Commit to one and work your hardest to fulfill it. Achieving even the smallest of accomplishments brings you happiness.

How to do it?

Maintain one long-term goal and work up to that with daily, short-term plans. Moreover, ensure while setting up these goals, that the outcome will truly bring you happiness.

#6 Take breaks

Why does it make you happy?

People often dive deep into their goals, forgetting the other parts of their happiness. If you indulge into work too much, you won’t get the time to communicate, help others, stay present or even pamper yourself. So, take periodic breaks so you can disconnect from obsessive tendencies and just relax.

How to do it?

Vacations! Holiday with your friends and family, or if you need, even travel solo to connect with yourself. Make time for entertainment – watch movies, go out for a drink, play board games, you know the drill.

#7 Stop Comparing & Seeking Approvals

Why does it make you happy?

You are unique. No two people are alike. You can neither compare yourself with someone, nor can anyone be exactly be on the same page as you to approve of what you do. Everyone has a different story, a different lifestyle and what works for them may not work for you. Working up to others’ expectations makes you unhappy and distressed.

How to do it?

Work on your own self. Trust your own conscience and believe in your strengths. Even if you find people who don’t approve of what you do, you don’t need to let their opinions affect you.

My 2021 mantra will be to live with the laws of natural justice – which says you have the right to live fully, happily and in your own way, without intruding or harming any other living being’s lifestyle. Live and let live, y’all!

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