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Top 10 Superfoods

Enough said about costly, fancy superfoods like goji berries, kale, quinoa and maca root powder. Our grandparents didn’t ever eat them and lived to a ripe old age, minus aches and pains. And so can you by going back to your roots (literally) and rediscovering humble fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds you had pretty much taken for granted. Don’t under-estimate their superpowers because the list of foods below is choc-a-bloc with vitamins, minerals and disease fighting nutrients. And don’t cost an arm and leg. 

Here is a superfoods list for everyday to keep you away from the doctor:

superfoods list- apple

1. Apples

Why it’s a superfood?

Apples are the richest fruit source of pectin, a soluble fiber that lowers blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, decreases the risk of colon and breast cancers, and even helps regulate blood sugars.

How to enjoy it?

Toss some slices into a salad. Blend into a fruit smoothie. Eat wedges dipped in peanut butter for a satisfying snack. Endless possibilities…

2. Avocados

Why it’s a superfood?

Just one half of a medium-size avocado contains more than 4 grams of fiber and 15 percent of your recommended daily folate intake. With its whopping amount of heart friendly monounsaturated fats and potassium, avocados are just what your cardiologist ordered!

How to enjoy it?

Mash ripe avocados and use as a base for sandwiches or add chunks to your salad along with grilled chicken or fish. Yum!

best superfoods list- avocados
best superfoods list- beetroot

3. Beetroot

Why it’s a superfood?

Blood red beets are loaded with antioxidants that protect you from cancer, heart disease and inflammation. Naturally sweet and full of fiber and vitamin C, beets can be enjoyed in multiple ways.

How to enjoy it?

Raw beets can be added to smoothies, eaten as part of a salad or even boiled or roasted and used as sandwich filling. Just keep in mind that cooking may decrease their nutritional value.

4. Flaxseed

Why it’s a superfood?

Crunchy and delicious flaxseed lowers blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart attack. Alsi as it’s known in India is also a rich source of lignan, a powerful antioxidant that wards off certain cancers, especially breast cancer. Just two tablespoons of ground seeds contain 20 percent of your daily fiber intake and more than 100 percent of the recommended dose of inflammation-fighting omega-3 fatty acids.

How to enjoy it?

Add ground flaxseed to atta and before making rotis. Sprinkle it over daal, salads or dahi. You could also roast flaxseed and eat as a crunchy mid-morning snack!

best superfoods list- flaxseeds
best superfoods list- oranges

5. Oranges

Why it’s a superfood?

Just one medium orange supplies your daily Vitamin C, the dynamite immunity booster and cancer fighter. Sure you can pop a supplement, but research suggests the best antioxidant protection comes from natural forms. It’s also a great source of fiber, potassium, calcium, folate, and other B vitamins.

How to enjoy it?

Eat the fruit or add to salads with a ginger, soy, lemon dressing.

6. Papayas

Why it’s a superfood?

The humble papaya packs a whopping amount of Vitamin C, potassium and folate making it one of the best superfoods. It’s also a great source of Vitamins A and E, two powerful antioxidants that protect against heart disease and colon cancer.

How to enjoy it?

Just scoop up the buttery flesh of a ripe papaya or add to smoothies and salad. I simply love a simple tropical fruit salad: papaya, pineapple and banana with a squeeze of lemon juice and chaat masala.

best superfoods list- papaya
best superfoods list- pumpkins

7. Pumpkins

Why it’s a superfood?

This hearty, fiber-rich squash is packed with beta-carotene (converted to vitamin A in the body), which reduces the risk of developing lung cancer. It’s also a rich source of potassium that prevents high blood pressure, makes it a nutritional superstar.

How to enjoy it?

Roast pumpkin with olive oil and sea salt, add to salads, dish up a pumpkin soup or even add grated pumpkin to cakes for extra moisture.

8. Spinach

Why it’s a superfood?

The dark green leafy veg has powerful antioxidants that combat many cancers. It’s also a great brain food and protects the heart.

How to enjoy it?

Add chopped spinach to daals or salads. Add cooked spinach to diced cottage cheese for a wholesome, delicious side at meals, stir fry with garlic and olive oil, the possibilities are endless.

best superfoods list- spinach
best superfoods list- sweet potatoes

9. Sweet potatoes

Why it’s a superfood?

A powerhouse of beta-carotene, one medium sweet potato packs over four times the recommended daily amount. Rich in potassium, inflammation-fighting vitamin C, and vitamin B6 that prevents clogged arteries.

How to enjoy it?

You could boil them and make a chaat. Bake or roast them with a sprinkle of olive oil and sea salt and you’ll wonder why you ever ate regular potatoes!

10. Walnuts

Why it’s a superfood?

One-quarter cup of walnuts supplies 90 percent of your daily recommended amount of omega-3 fatty acids that help in everything from keeping your memory sharp to reducing ‘bad’ cholesterol levels.

How to enjoy it?

Toss a few toasted walnut halves on your cereal in the morning, add them to salads or just eat as an afternoon snack.

best superfoods list- walnuts
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