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The FAQs On Melasma With Dr. Seema Bhat

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Melasma is often confused for hyperpigmentation or referred to as the ‘mask of pregnancy’. But ask around, and you’ll realize how common a skin problem it is. Experts say you’re more likely to get it if you have darker skin, probably because your skin naturally has more active pigment-producing cells. The dark truth is you can’t do anything out of the ordinary to prevent it (that is, aside from your daily skincare routine). Nor is there any point stressing about something beforehand. So melasma isn’t particularly painful, it sure has adverse effects on the person’s psyche. For which, we’ve interviewed the distinguished Dr. Seema Bhat on everything melasma. She has ten years clinical experience in treating several health conditions, lifestyle diseases, psychological disorders and child and women-related ailments. Here’s your chance to get acquainted.

BB: What is melasma?

Dr. Seema Bhat: "It’s a dark discoloration of skin normally seen on the face and upper arms. Exposure to sunlight makes the marks more prominent."

BB: What is the cause of melasma?

DR: "Though not completely understood, pigmentation is usually attributed to an imbalance in or disturbed activity of the female hormones, especially progesterone. Menopause and pregnancy are common periods when its occurrence is highest. Oral contraceptives and an underactive or overactive thyroid can also trigger the appearance of melasma."

BB: Is melasma dangerous?

DR: "Melasma is usually part of the bigger picture. By itself melasma causes an aesthetic problem since it can look unsightly. However, the underlying cause may be quite serious and must be tackled to treat the condition."

BB: Is melasma curable?

DR: "It’s curable but the process is slow and sometimes the condition may recur. Also if the pigmentation is deep (dermal melisma) the cure is limited."

BB: Can homeopathy treat melasma?

DR: "Homeopathy treats the root cause of the problem. As such the pigmentation is not the condition being treated. Instead, the reason for the excess production of the pigment—a hormonal disturbance or hypersensitive skin—is dealt with. Cure is usually possible. But as said before, the treatment shows gradual results at best and has to be supported by complete avoidance of sun."

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