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Treat Your Hair To Ayurvedic Goodness With Indulekha

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You’re not the only one who breaks a little from the inside with every broken hair strand. Hair fall is the stuff of nightmares so it makes sense to time travel to an era that boasted tried and tested hair damage solutions. Time to chuck those chemical-laden hair products and put your trust in Indulekha.
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The Step: Oil Those Woes Away

Take the oil game a notch higher with this one-of-a-kind bottle, strategically designed for maximum utilisation of every drop of elixir. Thirteen Ayurvedic ingredients like Aloe Vera, Neem, Bhringhraj, and Amla come together to prevent hair breakage and promote growth. Brownie points to the unique manufacturing procedure in which Swethakutaja leaves are dipped in pure Coconut Milk Oil for best results.
All you need to do for luscious locks is attach the special comb to the cap of the bottle. Comb your tresses while gently squeezing the bottle. Also, make sure that the needles are in contact with your scalp. Once you’ve covered the entire area, gently massage the oil into your scalp using your fingertips.

The Step: Shampoo Superstar

Your best bet at herbal hair cleansers, this latest Indulekha launch has us rooting for it. Each bottle of this beauty is enriched with extracts of nine Bhringhraj plants. Supplementary herbs like Amla, Tulsi, Neem, Rosemary, Shikakai and Madayantika help restore the natural health of your hair and reduce excessive hair fall.
Work the product into a lather and massage the scalp gently. Let it stay for a minute and rinse thoroughly. A minimum of three uses a week is what you need for an enviable mane. Experimental chicks, you can breathe a sigh of relief ‘cause this organic shampoo takes diligent care of colored tresses too.
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