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Tulsi, The Powerhouse Herb For Perfect Skin

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Holy Basil better known as ‘Tulsi’ can change your skin and life for the better. Its topical and internal medicinal value is widely used both in traditional practices and in a realm of skincare. Packed with vitamins, electrolytes, minerals and phyto nutrients, Tulsi is literally manna for healthy skin and hair.

Holy Basil or ocimum tenuiflorum has numerous health benefits too. This medicinal herb is popularly used to treat everything from a cough to heart disease. It’s an immunity booster and powerful antibacterial, antiseptic and antiviral. Did you know that Ayurveda recommends tulsi to soothe inflammation and also regulate uric acid levels in the body. Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory powers, it’s a popular member of the anti-acne skin club. But, did you know that it even has adaptogenic properties? Which means it can actually increase the body’s ability to resist stress—who doesn’t need that in their life, right?

Here, we explore six Tulsi-based products that really work...

tulsi oil benefits

1. It All Makes Essence

You know that feeling of being dragged down by a busy week? Well, a whiff of this aromatic Holy Basil essential oil will lift your spirits and lull your senses to a satisfying rest. As for those stress-induced breakouts, this sacred Indian herb will calm redness, bust blemishes and improve your overall skin tone and texture. Nuff said.

Nykaa recommends: Aroma Treasures Basil (Tulsi) Pure Essential Oil

2. Lather Up

Far from your standard soap, this Tulsi-based cleanser is a blessing for blemished skin. Its anti-inflammatory powers kill bacteria, unclog pores and soothe flare-ups—all things acne-prone skin desperately needs. As an added bonus, the blend of Coconut oil, Castor oil and Beeswax instantly leaves you with soft, smooth and glowing skin.

Nykaa recommends: Kama Ayurveda Natural Tulsi Soap

tulsi soap
skincare products

3. Mask Away!

This Neem and Tulsi cocktail is a formidable fix for troubled skin. The Neem combats whiteheads, blackheads and minimises magnified pores, and the antimicrobial Tulsi helps to keep your skin healthy and pimple-free. Apply it to clean skin and leave it on for 20 minutes and let it work its magic. The result? A megawatt complexion. (yes, you heard right)

Nykaa recommends: Orgera Herbal Neem And Tulsi Face Pack/ Facial Ubtan

4. The BIG cleanse

It can be hard to find an acne cleanser that isn't drying, or worse is way too strong for your sensitive skin, causing even more breakouts. Meet this 100 % natural cleanser that busts blemishes, pulls out gunk from your pores and never leaves your skin feeling stripped or parched, all thanks to the Holy Basil and & Turmeric it contains.

Nykaa recommends: VLCC Ayurveda Deep Pore Cleansing & Brightening Haldi & Tulsi Face Wash

tulsi face wash
skincare products - soultree

5. Moisturiser On A Mission

This lightweight gel moisturiser will give your skin the much-needed hydration without stirring up excess sebum. The inbuilt Tulsi keeps your acne in check and pores clean, and the Sandalwood promises a fresh-faced glow. Not to mention, its 100% natural and cruelty-free. Oily skin peeps, are you listening?

Nykaa recommends: SoulTree Moisturising Gel, With Tulsi & Sandalwood

6. Tone It Down

Acne is frustrating and annoying, but that doesn't mean you can't find natural products to fight it. It may not have the same recognition as Green Tea or Tea Tree oil, but Holy Basil is a hit when it comes to treating acne the natural way! Its many antibacterial properties include soothing redness, calming inflammation and swelling, that is, the acne trifecta.

Nykaa recommends: Mantra Herbal Holy Basil Refreshing Toner

tulsi Refreshing Toner
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