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Vitamin E And Vitamin A Rich Foods

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Vitamin A and Vitamin E rich foods

What plays a key role in healing wounds, building collagen, improving the immune system and spiking energy levels? The humble vitamin, ofcourse. Sure, your body is a powerful machine capable of functioning on its own but it can’t do so without the help of its key players a.k.a. vitamins. They keep your body healthy by doing everything from helping fight infections to ensuring proper core functioning.

Now, there are 13 essential vitamins of which we’re going to focus on two: Vitamin A and Vitamin E.

1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble nutrient that promotes healthy vision, teeth, skeletal tissue, and skin.

Signs Of Vitamin A Deficiency

  • Inflamed skin
  • Dry eyes
  • Night blindness
  • Fertility issues
  • Throat and chest infections
  • Slow healing of wounds
  • Increased acne and breakouts

Benefits Of Vitamin A

  • Vitamin A is involved in creation of certain cells that play a central role in stimulating immune responses.
  • It plays a key role in sperm and egg development as well as fetal growth. Thus it’s pivotal for fertility and fetal health.
  • The high levels of antioxidants may help protect against certain types of cancers, such as breast and ovarian cancer.
  • Adequate amounts of Vitamin A help maintain eye vision and health by preventing eye diseases.
  • The carotenoids in Vitamin A combat free radicals that can cause oxidative damage thus, lowering the chances of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Foods That Contain Vitamin A

Here’s a lowdown on Vitamin A sources.

Vitamin A Fruits

Vitamin A rich fruits- cantaloupe
1. Cantaloupe

Don’t let its roughly netted skin fool you; the cantaloupe with an orange-coral flesh inside is as sweet as it smells. Thanks to its high water content, it packs in low calories while delivering a good amount of fiber. As far as Vitamin A is concerned, it offers 19% of RDA per serving.

2. Mango

This fiber-rich fruit serves 35% of the RDA of Vitamin A along with a decent amount of B and C vitamins. The abundance of skin-friendly vitamins makes it a natural gut cleanser that ensures clear skin. What makes it even better are the high levels of phytochemicals that promote anti-aging effects.

Vitamin A fruits - mango
Vitamin A sources- watermelon
3. Watermelon

This low-cal fruit is more than just a perfect summer treat. High in antioxidants and electrolytes, each juicy bite serves Vitamins A, C and B6 with virtually no fat. Also, the seeds are loaded with vitamins, minerals and Omega 6 fatty acids so you might want to reconsider throwing away the seeds the next time you tuck into one.

4. Grapefruit

This tropical citrus fruit packs 28% of the RDA of Vitamin A while being additionally rich in Vitamin C. What makes it a healthier pick is its low calorie count and high fiber content that works at controlling appetite. Regular consumption of grapefruit can help control insulin levels and prevent diabetes.

foods that contain Vitamin A- grapefruit

Vitamin A Vegetables

the best source of Vitamin A is carrot
1. Carrot

When you crave for something crunchy yet nutritious, nothing beats carrots. This antioxidant-rich root vegetable is loaded with beta-carotene which when absorbed by body is converted to Vitamin A. Apart from that it is also a decent source of Vitamins B and K.

2. Spinach

Popeye knew right! Loaded with carotenoids, Vitamin K, iron calcium and magnesium, spinach helps control oxidative stress and blood pressure. The carotenoids when absorbed by body are converted into Vitamin A that can improve eye health.

Vitamin A foods for skin - spinach
Vitamin A rich vegetables – sweet potato
3. Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes contain high levels of beta-carotene that get converted into Vitamin A on absorption. Add to that, they also contain Vitamin C and B6 along with copper, manganese and potassium. Besides, they’re also replete with antioxidants that protect against radical damage and chronic diseases.

4. Bell pepper

Bell peppers or sweet peppers are loaded with pro-Vitamin A that is converted to Vitamin A on absorption. Besides, it also contains Vitamins B6, C, K1 and E with exceptionally low calories. This can be credited to its high water composition (92%).

Vitamin A vegetables- red bell pepper

2. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that mainly strengthens the body’s natural defense and slows the aging process of the cells.

Signs Of Vitamin E Deficiency

  • Muscle weakness
  • Low immunity
  • Numbness and tingling sensation
  • Coordination and walking difficulties
  • Loss of vision
  • Hair fall
  • Dry, flaky skin
  • Hormonal fluctuations

Benefits Of Vitamin E

  • Vitamin E protects your body from cellular damage thus, lowering the risk of many health ailments.
  • It helps keep the immune system strong against viruses and bacteria.
  • It helps in the formation of red blood cells and widens blood vessels to keep blood from clotting inside them.
  • Vitamin E increases blood flow which improves scalp health and encourages hair growth.
  • It plays a significant role in creating a protective barrier on skin’s surface which helps lock in skin moisture.

Foods That Contain Vitamin E

Here’s a lowdown on Vitamin E sources.

Vitamin E Fruits

Vitamin E fruits- kiwi
1. Kiwi

If you love kiwis, you are in luck! This fuzzy brown fruit with green flesh on the inside is packed with Vitamins E, C, K, folate and potassium. Thanks to the copious amounts of antioxidants and fiber, it works at boosting immunity and improving digestion.

2. Avocado

Saturated with Vitamins E, C, K, B and A, avocados are also a great source of fiber and heart-healthy fats. Besides, it helps lower cholesterol and control blood sugar levels. The best part? Its versatility makes it a perfect addition to soups and smoothies as well.

fruits rich in Vitamin E- avocado
Vitamin E sources - hazelnut
3. Hazelnut

The next time you indulge in your favorite hazelnut chocolate bar, you don’t have to be racked with guilt. Why? Hazelnuts pack 21% of the RDA of Vitamin E. They’re also loaded with antioxidants which is concentrated in the skin of the nut. Have them raw, roasted or grounded in paste.

4. Cranberries

These sour berries are loaded with Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin K1, manganese and copper. They are also beneficial for lowering bad cholesterol and blood pressure. P.S Cranberries are better had raw as most of the nutrients can be compromised when consumed as juice.

Vitamin E fruits- cranberries

Vitamin E Vegetables

Vitamin E vegetables- broccoli
1. Broccoli

This cruciferous veggie when gently steamed can give you a world of benefits. Packed with Vitamins E, C, K1, potassium, iron, and broccoli, it can help lower cholesterol levels and prevent cancer. Besides, it provides a decent amount of fiber that promotes gut health and aids digestion.

2. Asparagus

Sure, asparagus is not the most appetizing option out here, but it’s saturated with vitamins, minerals and fiber. All of this without being weighed down by calories. It’s the perfect source of Vitamin E for women during pregnancy thanks to the amount of folate which is key to the healthy development of a baby.

foods that contain Vitamin E- asparagus
greens Vitamin E- mustard greens
3. Mustard greens

These peppery tasting greens account for 8% of the RDA of Vitamin E while also comprising Vitamins A, C and K. Cellular damage stands no chance thanks to the high amounts of antioxidants that combat radical damage and stress. Blessed with a strong spicy flavor, these greens can be had boiled, steamed, stir-fried, or even pickled.

4. Collard greens

Collard green may be one of the best plant sources for calcium but they’re also loaded with Vitamins A, C, E and iron. Besides the folate content in this cruciferous veggie can help with depression as it can prevent the formation of excess homocysteine which is associated with depression of mood.

Vitamin E vegetables- collard greens


1. Suggest Vitamin E supplements

Supplements should not be consumed as a replacement for Vitamin E foods. Also, it is recommended to consult with your nutritionist before taking any supplements. Following are a few Vitamin E supplements:

2. Mention some foods that contain Vitamin A.

Cod liver oil, eggs, broccoli, spinach, bell pepper, papaya, carrot, apricot, cantaloupe, sweet potato, and mango are excellent Vitamin A sources.

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