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Waxing Without Stressing? Here’s How!

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after wax care

Waxing, by itself, can be extremely painful. What makes it even worse are the little bumps which arise on the skin naturally after the waxing procedure. Although these generally clear up within a day or two, there are some home remedies and treatments that can speeden up the healing process and also prevent them. Read on for some home remedies for beautiful skin after a waxing session.

Is it normal to get bumps?

Absolutely! Many people develop bumps after a waxing session. This is because of the stress that the skin undergoes when hair gets pulled out from the roots.

What causes these bumps?

When hair is being waxed, the skin gets stressed and inflammation occurs as a natural response to the hair removal. The swelling generally reduces but if you develop white bumps that last for more than a few days, the follicles may be infected. This can usually be treated at home with some simple home remedies.

Tips To Soothe Post Waxing Bumps

Use an ice pack: You can make your own ice pack by wrapping a few cubes of ice in a clean cloth. Or easier still, just use a cold compress. Apply this to the affected area for up to 20 minutes.

Use comfortable clothing: After you’re done, make sure your clothes don’t stick to your body. Tight fabrics cause friction with freshly waxed skin, causing bumps. Loose clothing allows the skin to breathe.

Don’t touch the bumps: Touching or trying to pop the bumps can lead to infection and worsen the condition.

How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair

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1. Sugar scrub

Make your own scrub using sugar. Mix half a cup each of Sugar and Coconut Oil, preferably the Merit Vco Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, and apply it to the affected area. Apply it in circular motions. Do this once or twice a week.

2. Aloe Vera

Apply fresh Aloe Vera gel in a circulation motion, at least 2-3 times a day. Feeling too lazy? Stick to the WOW Skin Science Aloe Vera Multipurpose Beauty Gel for instant relief.

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3. Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil can also soothe recently waxed skin. It acts as an antibacterial agent and speeds up the natural healing process of the skin. However since oil tends to clog pores, it’s advised to use Tea Tree Oil after 2 days of your trip to the salon. We recommend using the Nykaa Naturals Tea Tree Essential Oil.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is a natural antiseptic. It balances the pH levels of the skin. Apply a few drops of the WOW Life Science Organic Apple Cider Vinegar on the affected area with a cotton ball. Let it dry and rinse it off after ten minutes.

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