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World Menstrual Hygiene Day: 5 Period Products That The Nykaa Army Swears By

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World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2023

From using an assortment of euphemisms for menstruation to buying period hygiene products in hushed tones at the pharmacist, our society has been plagued by the stigma around periods (for generations). That’s right. Even in the digital age— the dearth of active conversations is still perpetuating worrisome misinformation amongst the masses. Case in point: According to the reports published by the World Bank in 2022, a staggering number of 500 million menstruating individuals still lack access to period products and provisions for maintaining requisite hygiene. While the lack of funds is cited as the number one reason, the absence of period education and a safe discussion forum —were a close second and third.

To help bridge this conspicuous gap, Menstrual Hygiene Day is observed every year on 28th May. Initiated by the German Wash United, this endeavour hopes to raise awareness and squash misconceptions around menstruation. The theme for Menstrual Hygiene Day 2023 is ‘Making Menstruation A Normal A Normal Fact Of Life by 2030’. And #Wearecommitted at Nykaa to this overarching theme of the eye-opening campaign. In the spirit of sparking healthy, enlightening conversations around menstruation, we reached out to Nykaa Army. Hear from 5 different women on ways they administer optimal menstrual hygiene and their go-to product.

Panthi Shah

Panthi Shah

“I believe every girl should take this step, leave the fear behind and try out a menstrual cup. I use the Carmesi Reusable Menstrual Cup for Women as its cost effective, environmentally-friendly and above all, convenient. A menstrual cup prevents chafing and reduces odor — despite the prolonged wear time. Admittedly, it may take some time and practice to become accustomed with a menstrual cup. If you are making the switch, I recommend consulting with a healthcare professional.”

Richa Popat

Richa Popat

“I discovered the concept of panty liners a couple of years ago, and it has now become a part of my monthly cycle essentials.- I started using the Pee Safe Breathable Ultra-Thin Panty Liner and this has been my go-to product. It gets the job done minus all the discomfort, especially during the summers.”

Gianella Mascarenhas

Gianella Mascarenhas

Tampons provide you with the freedom to stay active on your period. They are also a convenient option for those who prefer a compact option for on-the-go use. With less packaging and waste, they are a more environmentally friendly choice.”

Rebecca Abraham

Rebecca Abraham

“I have been using Stayfree Dry Max all night for almost 13 years now. It has a sweet fragrance and doesn't leave me with rashes. It's perfect for those with a heavy flow. While I'm on my period, I sleep tension-free as the length and wing size of the pad let me sleep without the worry of staining my sheets”

Rhea Shah

Rhea Shah

“Honestly, I don’t remember the last time I was worried about leaking. After a happy encounter with period panties, rashes, dryness and stains are the least of my worries. They’re perfect for an all-day wear and super comfortable. I would never go back to anything else, ever!”

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