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Yoga for Good Health

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Yoga for good health

Let’s start with a fact-check. Did you know the word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘yuji’ which means ‘union’? That’s exactly what yoga does to you. It harmonizes your mind, body and soul to bless you with a holistic retreat. Science says yoga is good for health but more importantly it makes you feel good, courtesy the release of feel-good-hormones post a great session. Well, flexing and finding your inner peace together sounds like a good deal, no? Besides, with all its zen beauty, an hour of yoga daily could finally be that little something you do just for yourself. So why wait? Roll down your yoga mat right away for yoga-na take charge of your health!

Yoga for Good Health

Based on the common health ailments, we’ve created a list of asanas that can make life easier for you.

Yoga for back pain

1. Yoga for back pain: Salamba Bhujangasana (Sphinx Pose)

How it works:

This asana strengthens your spine, chest, shoulders, abdominal muscles and arms. The intense stretching, if done right, releases tension from the upper back and reduces neck and back pain.

How to do:

Step 1: Lie flat on the floor with your stomach down and your toes touching the floor. Bring your feet closer to each other.
Step 2: Stretch your arms ahead on the floor with your palms facing downward.
Step 3: Pressing your forearms onto the floor, breathe in and slowly raise your head and chest off the floor.
Step 4: Elevate your knees and compress your thighs and buttocks while pressing the pelvic area against the floor.
Step 5: Drop your shoulders down and push your chest forward. Look up and try focusing at the point between your eyebrows.
Step 6: Hold this pose for 8 breaths and then relax.

2. Yoga for constipation: Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose)

How it works:

This asana eases the functioning of your digestive system. It strengthens your abdominal muscles and improves blood circulation to the abdominal region which makes digestion easier.

How to do:

Step 1: Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in the front and your feet closer to each other.
Step 2: Bend forward to move your hands towards your feet. The aim is to get hold of the big toes with your thumb and index finger.
Step 3: Take a deep breath. Make an effort to ensure your knees aren’t bent and are pressed against the floor.
Step 4: Now bring your head to touch the knees without leaving the grip on your feet. Hold this pose as you exhale.
Step 5: Gradually return to your original position. Keep doing this for a minute.

Yoga for constipation
Yoga for heart

3. Yoga for heart: Marjariasana (Cat Pose)

How it works:

In this asana, your chest expands to improve breathing while the stretching improves flexibility. It gradually helps lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health.

How to do:

Step 1: Kneel on the floor and bend forward with your spine straight and your hands flat on the floor. Your hands should be exactly below your shoulders.
Step 2:Looking straight ahead, inhale and raise your chin as you tilt your head backward.
Step 3: Pushing your navel down, lift your tailbone and hold this pose.
Step 4: Exhale as you now arch your back and bring your chin down to face your thighs.
Step 5: Repeat the above steps for a minute and relax.

4. Yoga for migraine: Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)

How it works:

Due to stimulation of the thyroid and the pituitary glands in this asana, feel-good hormones, such as endorphins and dopamine are released. It cumulatively energizes and de-stresses the body by increasing oxygen circulation thereby fighting migraine.

How to do:

Step 1: Lie flat on your back on the floor.
Step 2: Bend your knees while placing your feet on the floor. Extend your arms towards your feet with the palms facing up.
Step 3: Pressing your arms and feet on the floor, exhale as you lift your hips above the floor.
Step 4: Gradually elevate your pelvic region, torso, shoulders and head above the floor.
Step 5: Hold this pose for 30 seconds as you engage in deep breaths.
Step 6: Slowly bring your entire body down to the floor and extend your legs to lie flat.

Yoga for migraine
Yoga for asthma

5. Yoga for asthma: Ardha Matsyendra Asana (Half King of the Fishes Pose)

How it works:

This asana works the chest muscles to improve the supply of oxygen to the lungs, thereby controlling the symptoms of asthma. It also reduces stress which is one of the common triggers for asthma.

How to do:

Step 1: Sit on the floor with your spine erect and legs stretched out in the front.
Step 2: Bend your right leg and moving over your left leg, bring your right foot outside of your left knee. The toes of your right foot should be facing forward.
Step 3: Next bend your left leg, bringing your left foot beside the right buttock. Your left foot should completely touch the floor.
Step 4: Now pass your left arm through the space between your chest and right knee and hold the right foot.
Step 5: Slowly turning the trunk to the right move your neck along and wrap your right arm around the waist to touch the left inner thigh. Take 5 deep breaths as you look over your right shoulder at a focus point.
Step 6: Reverse the movements to come back to the original position and then repeat on the other side.

6. Yoga for headache: Viprita Karani Asana (Legs Up the Wall Pose)

How it works:

This asana stretches the neck muscles and relieves tension. It promotes blood flow and oxygen supply to head which helps ease your throbbing headache in a snap.

How to do:

Step 1: Sit comfortably with your left side against a wall.
Step 2: With your hands firmly placed on the floor, gently turn your body to the left and raise both your legs up onto the wall.
Step 3: Once your legs are against the wall, slowly lower your back to lie on the floor. Now slide your buttocks close to the wall. Place your arms at the side with the palms facing up.
Step 4: With your shoulders and head resting on the floor, close your eyes. Hold this pose for 5 minutes as you breathe deeply.
Step 5: Open your eyes and gradually push yourself away from the wall to bring your legs back on the floor and relax.

Yoga for headache
Yoga for sciatica

7. Yoga for sciatica: Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose)

How it works:

Sciatica is the pain that originates in the spine and radiates along the sciatic nerve down the leg. The extensive stretch of the legs in this asana improves flexibility in the pelvic region and improves blood circulation to the legs which in turn mitigates sciatica pain.

How to do:

Step 1: Lie flat on your back with your legs extended, arms beside your hips and feet flexed.
Step 2: Exhale as you bend your right leg to bring your right thigh to your chest.
Step 3: Inhale as you slowly raise your right leg upwards, perpendicular to the floor. Loop a yoga strap around the right foot and hold it in your hands.
Step 4: Your left leg, buttocks and shoulders should remain pressed against the floor. Stay in this pose for 5 breaths.
Step 5: While exhaling, gently bring down your right leg to allow your right thigh to rest against your chest. Then extend your right leg to its original position on the floor.
Step 6: Repeat the above steps for your left leg.

8. Yoga for sinus: Gomukhasana (Cow Pose)

How it works:

Gomukhasana stretches the chest muscles to clear the air passage and alleviate respiratory troubles. Besides, it reduces anxiety and stress.

How to do:

Step 1: Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you.
Step 2: Now bend your left leg and place the left foot under your right buttock.
Step 3: Fold your right leg and move it over your left thigh with the side of your right foot pressed onto the floor.
Step 4: Take your left arm behind your back from across your waist.
Step 5: Next take your right arm over your right shoulder and bring it down to intertwine the fingers of both your hands. Ensure your spine is erect and expand your chest.
Step 6: Breathe in and out holding this pose for a minute.

Yoga for sinus
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