Q: 30 Mins for #Quality Quarantine!

More 21days to go guys! I am sure everyone are trying to spend quality time and fighting the coronavirus. Eating healthy and following best hygiene practices will definitely help to fight the virus, but do you know even yoga helps in boosting immunity?  Also, sometimes it becomes difficult to control our toxic thoughts in such a situation, so I am sharing some yoga & meditation ideas that will keep you positive and healthy at the same time. 


20 mins Yoga ! 


1.Sukhasana and Pranayama Pranayama - As stress is one the main cause of low immunity and hampers the internal body environment. Pranayam reduces stress level and fights anxiety thus boosts your immune system. The science behind breathing techniques is to control the inhale and exhale and improve the nervous system by improving the oxygen flow. There are 5 pranayama techniques, out of which you can follow the "Anuloma Viloma Pranayama" as it has the power to cure blockages, bronchitis, asthma and many more.

2. Fish Pose - It targets your lungs and opens it up to relieve any kind of congestions. Thus practicing this will help you to keep your lungs healthy. I personally love this pose as it makes you feel better while doing it and boosts immunity.

3. Legs Up the Wall - For people who are working from home and even the ones who are getting stressed sitting at home, this yoga pose will help you to relax the whole body. It allows lymph drainage, improves blood circulation, relieves back pressure and balances the nervous system.

4. Forward Bending - As sinuses and mucus membrane are our body's first line to fight infection, they are required to be healthy to build our immune system. This pose helps in blood flow towards sinuses which eases congestion and keeps it healthy

10 mins Meditation 

1. Allow your eyes to close comfortably and softly sit into a comfortable position.
2. Let the moment you are in support your body.
3. Lean back slowly into this support and feel your body.
4. Think that the present moment supports you and demands nothing from you and accepts the way you are.
5. Feel the surface and let the thoughts you are holding go out from your mind, and exhale.
6. Allow a space to open up around you and stay in the space for some time.
7. Start saying yourself  "Its okay the way I am".. "It is okay the way I am in a situation" .. " I am enough" I am more than enough".." I am greatly loved"... " I am supported by my loved ones" ... " All is well"..." All will be well"  
8. Slowly sense the renewal of thoughts and the space around.
9. Think about - beauty of your own, your success, happy times and all that makes you feel happy and positive.
10.Thank the universe around you, the ground/surface you are sitting, the Sun,Nature, God for your birth.

Moving towards the end of this meditation slowly thank yourself. 


Let's stay calm yet happy at home beauties!

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