Hello Lovely people,Kajal is something that I do not leave my home without and considering the affordable price tag, I decided to pick this up. The packaging is cool considering you do not get to see red-bodied kajals that often. It is in a twist-up pencil form and thankfully it twists back. The plastic body is sturdy enough with proper cap which shuts with a click.The texture of the kajal is beautiful I would say. It is smooth and glides well on the lid and on the waterline, but it tends to slip if you have watery eyes. It does not tug or pull the skin at all and goes on like a creamy liner. Although smooth, the liner does not melt or break and maintains the consistency.
The pigmentation is superb and is definitely darker than Maybelline colossal. On the waterline, only one swipe would give desired results. If you want, you can go on and build on the intensity. One word of caution though, as the kajal is smooth and creamy, multiple swipes might cause a bit of discomfort......❤❤