Q: Janata curfew... Self quarantine

The world is dealing with a global health crisis.. Which is hampering a lot of things... But thee actions that our government is taking for the betterment of our health that is commendable

We should support their decision in every possible way...bcus as per the saying health is wealth

I have been self quarantine for last 5days it's tough as am a workaholic... I work in the lab and doing my research all day... But we can utilise this time by some self care and self love 

Ladies on this janata curfew... We can have a break and plan a self care, pamper session for ourselves... Pull out the diy face pack recipe, those sheetmasks, all essential oils, bath salts etc etc.... 

And have a day to ourselves... Cus we deserve it 



Do share your self care pamper session.. And enjoy the day... 

Comment down your plans too and do share the picture 

Thank u beautiful ladies... ❤and take caree

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