This deadly virus is one the most dangerous thing human kind has ever faced. All we can do is stay at home. Don't just think about urself, think about our Doctors, NEWS media people, army & Police officers.
Don't get heartbroken & afraid. Just stay at home, wash ur hand for 20 secs with soap+water, use sanitizer when ever u touch any stuff that comes from outside, even currency. Wear a mask when u go outside to get necessary stuff.
Now to cheer u up, here are some stuff u can do in this time. Don't let it go in vain.
Take extra time in ur skincare, do all the stuff u wanted to do but couldn't coz u didn't had time. Enjoy this process, that once felt like a huge task.
Unleash ur inner artist( Thanks to James Charles). Practice to get that perfect wing, u always wanted to. Get creative & create the most dramatic look u could think of. Watch YouTube tutorials & get inspiration from Pinterest; follow that, take it off & repeat.
Yup, u have no more excuses, now is the time, clean thoes nasty brushes. Arrange ur wardrobe.
Listen to all ur favorite tracks & dance as ur heart desire.
Watch all the movies u ever wanted to watch. No more staying up late on Saturday nights to watch a movie. Now u can do it when ever u want.
Collected a lot of book, but had no time to read? Read them now. Get a cup of coffee or tea or what ever drink u like, open the book & read it.
Didn't had time to enjoy with family? Believe me they r awesome. Play all kind of stupid games with them...for eg., Name place animal thing, bingo,antrakshi,ludo,carrom,chess etc. Talk & laugh. Take out that old photo album.
Stay strong, stay indoor, stay positive.
Don't take this situation for granted.
Make use of the time, enjoy, don't b afraid.
Eat healthy & follow the rules.
Do not listen to rumors.
Do not believe everything u see online.
#stay_safe #quarantine #covid19 #stay_strong
Jai Hind??
God bless all❤