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Dry Skin Care Remedies At Your Fingertips

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Home Remedies for Dry Skin

Is your skin like the Sahara Desert? Does it feel like sandpaper? Those of you suffering from dry, flaky skin know exactly how difficult it can be. Dry skin doesn’t plague just your face but your hands and legs too. It’s itchy and unsightly and makes wearing those fancy sleeveless dresses and that gorgeous makeup a pain. But fret not, we’ve got some easy dry skin tips to help you deal with your flaky issues.


● How to Get Rid of Dry Skin on Face:

Let’s face it how to treat dry skin on face is a million-dollar question that we all love to ask. ‘Coz those white patches on face are anything but appealing. In most cases, you can blame the environment but it can also be your fault - have you analyzed your face wash or soap? It might have certain chemicals that might be affecting your skin. This is why we suggest the following home remedies for dry skin on face.

Dry Skin Care Remedy - Oats


No longer just a breakfast food, add oats to your list of home remedies for dry skin. Add one cup of powdered oats to your bath, soak yourself in it for 15-20 minutes and pat yourself dry. You can even make a face mask by mixing one Banana, one cup of ground Oats and a little lukewarm Milk. Apply this on your face and leave for 15 minutes. We promise your dry skin problems will be a thing of the past.


Is there anything that Milk isn’t good at? To use this dry face remedy most effectively, dip a washcloth in a bowl of milk and apply it to your skin for five minutes. The Lactic Acid in the milk works as a great anti-inflammatory agent and gets rid of your itch almost instantly. If you’re feeling Cleopatra-esque, you can indulge in a milk bath. Mix two cups of milk and a quarter cup of honey to moderately warm water and soak in it like Egyptian royalty.

Dry Skin Remedies - Milk
Dry Skin Treatment at Home - Yogurt

3. YOgurt it!

Of course, Yogurt has to be part of the list that talks about the best. All thanks to Lactic Acid that works as one of the natural exfoliating home remedies for dry face. You can soak your hands completely in full-fat yoghurt or make a mask by adding a teaspoon of honey to it for complete hydration. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes for this dry skin treatment to work most effectively.


● How to Get Rid of Dry Skin on Legs:

Even though your legs might be most protected from the outdoors (especially during winters) that doesn’t mean they are safe. A change in weather implies your legs are going to get drier than ever. Of course, there are plenty of moisturizers in the market but we feel this situation calls for home remedies for dry skin on legs.


This one’s our favorite – Honey is loaded with vitamins and minerals that moisturize, tighten and soften skin.  This is why you should incorporate it in your skin care routine for dry skin. Rub raw, organic Honey all over and leave it on for about 10 minutes. Tap the area lightly while you apply to increase circulation and encourage deeper moisturization. Repeat this at least once a day for smooth, healthy skin. Sweet!

How to Get Rid of Dry Skin Using Honey
Home Remedies for Dry Skin - Avocado


Avocado with its high levels of Vitamin A, Glutamine (an antioxidant), Vitamin C and Oleic Acid has incredible moisturizing and sebum producing properties. This is why we recommend this as an effective dry skin solution. Either apply it onto your dry skin patches as is or mix it with Olive Oil, Honey or Yogurt. Let it sit on your skin for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off. You can also use this as a mask on your face twice a week. Apart from being delicious, who knew Avocado was a great dry skin remedy.


Infused with not just moisturizing but also healing and soothing properties, Aloe Vera gel is our go-to for dry skin care. Cut a fresh Aloe Vera leaf to extract the gel and apply it liberally over your skin. If your skin soaks it up, you don’t need to rinse. Otherwise, wait for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. For this dry skin treatment to truly work its magic, repeat it twice a day.

Dry Skin Care Remedy - Aloe

● How to Get Rid of Dry Skin on Hands:

We can’t emphasize on this enough - the skin on your hands needs as much attention as your face. Think about all the times you wash your hands during the day and the number of times you apply a hand cream. Even then your hands remain super dry! Resort to these home remedies for dry hands for best results.

Dry Skin Remedies – Sea Salt


Even the driest of skin can be hydrated when you use Sea Salt as a scrub by mixing one cup of Sea Salt with a quarter cup of Glycerine or add a cup of Sea Salt to a tub of warm water and soak for at least 20 minutes. This home remedy is the ideal dry skin treatment tbh. P.S: Remember not to rub it on open cuts and wounds though.


A remedy as old as time, Ghee activates sebum a.k.a. oil secretion and heals dryness. Just rub some ghee in circles on your dry patches, leave it on for a few hours, and take a shower. This dry skin care remedy is soooo good that you can incorporate this in your skin care routine for dry skin daily. Trust us, you’ll be left with baby-soft skin.

Dry Skin Treatment at Home Using Ghee
How to Get Rid of Dry Skin Using Oils


Not just pantry staples, oils like Virgin Olive Oil, Almond Oil, Sunflower Oil, and Coconut Oil are also effective home remedies for dry hands. After you shower, pat yourself dry with a towel making sure to leave some moisture on your skin. Apply the oil directly to your skin, trapping the moisture in and preventing your skin from drying out. Alternatively, apply the oil before you bathe, leave it on for 30 minutes and say goodbye to dry skin.

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