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‘Strawberry Legs:’ What They Are And How To Get Rid Of Them

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strawberry legs

Do you ever notice small, dark spots on your legs after you shave? Well, turns out they’re actually clogged pores. These dark spots resemble the seeds on the skin of strawberries, aka “strawberry legs” and are more noticeable on some skin types than others. For most people, strawberry legs ain’t nothing but some ol’ hair follicles. Seriously - that’s it. The only time to really worry about them is if you’re dealing with an actual skin issue. They’re typically used to describe folliculitis (inflammation of hair follicles), keratosis pilaris (a harmless skin condition that causes dry, rough patches), and clogged pores.

Strawberry legs, more or less, is an umbrella term for the appearance of follicles - inflamed, raised or not. While there are times where it presents as an actual skin issue (typically chronic dry skin), if you see them after you shave your legs it’s not a big deal - just the natural appearance of skin.

Before we learn some ways to get rid of strawberry legs, here’s a closer look at the causes.

What Causes Strawberry Legs?

Shaving: Shaving against the flow of your hair growth or with an old razor can cause episodes of ingrowth, i.e. strands getting trapped under the skin. This often leads to the formation of pesky bumps and inflammation.

Clogged Pores: Your skin is exposed to dust, grime, and pollution on the reg. This causes an excess of buildup, sebum, and bacteria clogging the pores on its surface. Oil from the dermis, upon contact with air, turns black and results in the formation of tiny spots, a.k.a, strawberry legs.

Folliculitis: According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, Folliculitis is a common, generally benign, skin condition in which the hair follicle becomes infected/inflamed and forms a pustule or erythematous papule of overlying hair-covered skin. These small bumps darken over time which leads to the illusion of ‘strawberry legs’. Studies also suggest that wet or sweaty skin is more prone to developing folliculitis.

Keratosis pilaris: A prevalent skin condition, keratosis pilaris is caused by the congestion of open pores with dead-dried cells. According to World Journal of Clinical Cases, grey-brown keratotic plugs in the pores and dark red keratotic papules at the openings of hair follicles can be seen, which contain coiled hair and are often accompanied by perifollicular erythema and pigmentation.

Exfoliation Is Magic

Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate - yes we cannot stress enough! Regular exfoliation may help keep these dark pores at bay. It helps soften the skin and loosen up the dirt and oil that’s clogging pores, which inturn helps prevent that dirt and oil from getting trapped in your pores when you shave. According to the International Journal of Current Science, an exfoliant also improves skin texture, enhances absorption and retention of moisturising agents and restores the skin’s natural moisturising factor.

Reach out for these physical exfoliants -

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MCaffeine Exfoliating Coffee Body Scrub for Tan Removal & Soft-Smooth Skin - 100% Natural & Vegan

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The Power Of Moisturising

Following exfoliation, you must always moisturise! Keeping your skin well-hydrated will help dead skin cells to shed naturally and appropriately. For those with dry skin, using rich moisturisers is key to preventing clogged pores.

Reach out for moisturisers containing shea butter and ceramides -

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The Body Shop Shea Nourishing
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Dr. Sheth's Ceramide & Vitamin C Body Lotion

Shaving With A Quality Razor

Since shaving is the key reason for the appearance of dark pores, you must focus on your shaving technique as well as investing in quality products. A low quality razor usually requires repeated strokes while shaving, which inflames your skin and makes the clogged pores more visible due to surrounding redness.

Reach out for quality razors -

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Gillette Venus Snap Hair Remover Women Body Razor

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Waxing is one of the most common and effective hair removal techniques. It’s also a viable solution for nipping strawberry legs in the bud. Waxing removes the hair by the root so the hair follicle is completely removed. It also removes the dead top layer of the skin along with the hair, which provides an exfoliation at the same time.

Reach out for wax strips -

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Veet Full Body Waxing Kit Easy-Gelwax Technology Dry Skin - 20 Strips

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