Overactive sebaceous glands are hardly the party your skin signed up for. Believe us when we say, we get it! Covering all that extra shine with makeup is not the answer; it’s more like a last resort. The good news, however, is that there’s so much you can find in your own pantry that’ll help you actively tackle your oily skin problem.
Here’s a list of easy-peasy, won’t-break-the-bank home remedies for oily skin:
Milk It, Girl
Maybe mum was right after all. Skipping milk was and is still a bad idea! Only this time, we are asking you to use it for its skincare properties which will help deal with that oily skin. Simply apply raw milk to your face and then rinse it off when it’s dried. Easy, effective and extremely doable no? -
An Apple A Day
Our lifelong quest to keep the doctor away continues, it seems. Simply grate an apple or grind it and then apply it to your face. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and then proceed to wash it off. Alternatively, you could also add honey and repeat the same process for softer, smoother, cleaner skin. -
When Life Gives You Lemons
Squeeze the juice from one lemon and use it as a mask for oily skin. Just take two parts water and one-part lime juice, mix it together and apply on your face. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water. You could also make a facemask with lemon juice, honey and milk. Mix together, apply to your face and wash it off after 10-15 minutes for glowing skin. -
Cool It Like ‘Em Cucumbers
Just like when life gave you lemons and you made lemon juice, follow suit with cucumbers. That’s right! Cucumbers are a great addition to your skincare routine, especially if oily skin is the bane of your existence. You can simply cut pieces of cucumber, rub on your face and leave overnight. Alternatively, you could peel and grate half a cucumber. Squeeze to remove the juice and apply on your face and neck. Let it sit on your face till it dries. After it does, you can simply rinse it off. Repeat daily for truly chilled out skin. -
If oily skin and large pores are the only thing you see when you look at yourself, then bring out those tomatoes from your kitchen STAT. All you need to do is make a juice by crushing a tomato and straining it. Add some cucumber juice and apply to your face. Repeat daily for visible results. Alternatively, simply cut a tomato in half and rub it on your face in a circular motion. Let it sit on (goop and all) for roughly 15 minutes before you rinse it off with cold water. Pronounce it how you will – tomato, tomahto – but it works like a charm with excessive oiliness and acne. -
Eggscellent Solution for Oily Skin
An egg white mask is the easiest solution to fighting big pores and oily skin because it helps to shrink the pores and tightens skin in general. Take one (preferably large) egg and separate the white from the yolk. Add 3-4 drops of lemon juice to the egg white and whisk it so that the two ingredients blend completely. Apply this mask to your face and let it dry. You’ll know when it’s time to wash it off because it’ll feel dry and harden on your face. You can rinse it off in 10-15 minutes with warm water. -
You Don’t Need Money, Honey
The best thing about home remedies to tackle skin woes is that they won’t cost the earth. Reach for your little pot of liquid gold a.k.a honey, which thanks to its antibacterial properties, will gently nourish your skin. Apply a layer of honey to your face and leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing. Alternatively, blend a banana and apply on face for instant hydration. Leave on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing.
Nykaa recommends: It's Skin The Fresh Mask Sheet - Honey, The Face Shop Real Nature Lemon Face Mask, Mirabelle Korea Cucumber Facial Mask, Himalaya Herbals Moisturizing Cucumber Peel-Of Mask, Innisfree My Real Squeeze Sheet Mask - Tomato and Biotique Bio Milk Protein Whitening & Rejuvenating Face Pack
Read more about the complete skin care routine for oily skin: