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Q&A IN Personal Hygiene Other


Is it safe to use face razors? Will they result in thicker hair. Can anyone out there just explain the exact senario with pros and cons.


Why do some lipstick shades make my teeth look yellow?


I have dark underarms. Though I have never used Veet or any other stuff they are still dark. Is there any product that can actually help to lighten it?


How do I remove the black patch from the neck and underarm?


I hv ordered macmarise headphones still not received track


How to remove stretch marks and dark skin on the butt?


I have dark, patchy underarms which don't give me the confidence to wear sleeveless tops/blouses. How do I treat it?


If one day I am not using my lip balm then lips get very dry and dark!! Is there any creme for this ?? Am using bioline lip balm


How to get rid of fungal scars and remove discolorations near the vaginal area and butts (especially the black or brown spots)?


I have Combination skin, After cleansing with Chetapil I use rose water as toner, my skin burns like hell I can feel tears coming out of my eyes ! Can I know the reason behind this issue is it normal or problematic ??