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Q&A IN Skin Trending Now


What cream and serum is suitable for teenagers?


Can we use neutrogena hydro boost water gel with vitamin c serum


I am having lots of dark spots & pigmentation which are rigid, have created shadow in face making it dull . If not wrong it PIA pigmentation. Please suggest skincare & product which worked for you.


Can I use ponds light moisturizer which contains glycerine and vitamin E after using salicylic acid serum?


Best face serum for normal skin ?


I'm a teenager & I have a combination skin but it's getting dry in winters plz suggest a face moisturizer without fragrance and which even help me in acne Mark's & pimples


I'm a teenager with combination skin can anyone suggest serum for reducing acne Mark's ,pimples ,dullness and even helps in reducing fine lines from forehead . And helps in clear glowing skin


Hello, i am 19 and have textured skin and tinny bumps. I am looking for a chemical exploliant. Suggestions please


I'm a teenager with combination and sensitive skin can anybody suggest me a face wash or cleanser which doesn't dry out skin and even gives a natural glow


Can I know best face serum for pores